Support group for allergies

Welcome to Gateway FEAST

Gateway FEAST is a support group and educational resource for people who manage food allergies, eczema, and asthma, serving the St. Louis area community in Missouri and Illinois. We offer support and education to members through our Facebook group and member events, promote community awareness about allergic conditions through our outreach programs, and work in concert with other St. Louis area organizations to host community events for children with life-threatening food allergies and their families.

Gateway FEAST is an all-volunteer organization, founded and run by families that live with allergic conditions, and recommended by local allergists and by national allergy and asthma organizations including Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) and the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA).

What do the letters in FEAST stand for?

Food Allergy
Asthma, Seasonal Allergy, and Environmental Allergy

Events for kids with food allergies

Events for children with food allergies and their families

Gateway FEAST works with multiple St. Louis area organizations to offer allergy-friendly events that make children with food allergies and their families feel welcome and included.

Learn more about Gateway FEAST events on our Events page.